Company:China Mineral Processing & Metallurgy League
Email: sales@hot-mining.com
Phone:+86 18252116933
Fax:+86 10 58646590
Address:Room10811, Floor8, Building A, Galaxy SOHO, Dongcheng Dist, Beijing, P.R.China
E-RFQ201605E008_Small,Compact Pneumatic Grouting Pump
Detailed Description
Dear Sirs,
We are a company from Poland specialized in production and distribution of various materials used in mining industry.
Generally we specialize in mineral mining foams, mortars, adhesives and shotcretes, mining anchor bolts, technical fabrics and cloths and different kind of bags and other flexible containers used in Polish mining.
We also deliver some grouting pumps for permanent mixing and injecting of grouts in coal mines.
In order to spread our mining offer and make it more complex we are searching for a supplier of small, compact pneumatic grouting pump.
We are very impressed about two models of your pumps:
- RG30-120 Pneumatic Grouting Pump
- RH Industry Hose Pump
Couldyou please send us a technical data sheet for these producst and/or maybe a movie presenting these pump during work ?
Additionally we would appreciate some sales details of these pump is it available on stock or you manufacture it on request/ what is the delivery time/ your price offer.
Thank you in advance for your reply I hope we can start a successful cooperation.
I am available on (00 48) 696 28 11 23 (you can reach me 24h*7).
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best Regards
Adrian Slosorz
Przedsiebiorstwo Wielobranzowe ADIBUD Piotr Slosorz
ul.Blawatkow 4, 41-400 Myslowice, Poland
tel. (00 48) 32 222 32 06
mob. (00 48) 696 28 11 23
fax. (00 48) 32 222 14 24
VAT ID: PL-2220063469
Trade Assistant: Ms. Serena Fu
Email: serena.fu@hot-mining.com