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Articles of China Mineral Processing & Metallurgy League
Chapter I General Provisions
The first leagueis led by China University of Mining and Technology and jointly initiated by more than 20 first-class units in the field of domestic mining equipment
manufacturing. The name of the league is: Xuanye Sea League
League (hereinafter referred to as "League"), the English name is China Mineral Processing & Metallurgy League, abbreviated as CMPML.
Article 2 Purpose of the League : Gather outstanding enterprises in the field of metallurgy together, go to sea together, empower each other, and help China's metallurgy brand to successfully enter the world.
Article 3 Principles of the League : resource sharing, mutual empowerment, non-competition and exclusive cooperation within the League .
(1) In principle, the League shall purchase each other's products in the project;
(2) The participation of enterprises in competition with members of the League shall be subject to the votes of members of the League Council and the number of endorsements shall be ≥ 2/3;(3
) For each newly entered national market, members of the League shall give priority to establish a joint venture company for common development.
Article 4 Core tasks of the League : Follow the "Belt and Road" initiative of the country, promote international production capacity and equipment manufacturing cooperation in
pursuit of international development, integrate engineering technology, equipment, talents, brands and other resources of China's mining industry through strategic league, implement
communication and cooperation between enterprises, complement each other's advantages, and jointly build an league with international influence to serve global mining customers.

Article 5 The leaguebelongs to the non-profit organization.

Chapter II League Ecology
Article 6 Localization manufacturing cooperation: League members share equipment manufacturing plants, warehousing, etc., in each country (fees shall be settled according to
local costs). League members only need to send after-sales service personnel.
Article 7 Supply chain coordination: In order to improve the service level and quality of customers in various countries, members of the League shall support each other's supply
chains in their respective advantageous countries and help members of the League to enhance the competitiveness of each country.
Article 8 Jointly promote the market operation of overseas projects: part of the projects will be led by the League members with EPC/EPCM capabilities. Starting from the program
stage, the League members will be deeply involved. After the confirmation of the project contract, the League members will give priority to the procurement of products and services
under the same conditions.

Ninth unified publicity, brand: in some important national markets to jointly create industry standards and norms, in-depth integration and innovation of business models.

Chapter III Organizational structure
Article 10 The League shall be composed of a council and a secretariat.
Article 11 The Council of the League shall be the leading decision-making body. The council shall have a chairman, vice chairmen and governing units. The initiator of the league
shall nominate one leader to the council and elect him/her as the chairman/deputy chairman. The governing units are composed of enterprises, scientific research institutions and
universities related to the field of mining equipment manufacturing.
Article 12 The meeting of the Council shall be held at least once a year and shall be presided over by the chairman or the vice Chairman authorized by the Chairman. The meeting
shall be held only with the participation of more than two-thirds of the members of the Council, and the resolution shall take effect only after being voted by more than half of the
participants. If necessary, it may also be convened by electronic communication. If any participant is unable to vote for any reason, he or she may entrust a representative to vote.
Article 13 Duties of the Board of Directors:
(1) To approve amendments to the articles of Association;
(2) to guide the leagueto carry out its work, decide on major affairs and coordinate its
operation in a unified manner; (3) To examine and approve the annual work plan and major
project programs of the League ;
(4) to examine and approve the applications of relevant units for joining and withdrawing from the League ;
(5) to decide on the alteration and termination of the League ;
(6) To examine and approve the annual financial budget, final accounts and expenses of the secretariat of the
League ; (7) To coordinate the cooperation among member units;
(8) to examine other matters submitted by members of the League ;
Article 14 Duties of the Chairman of the League :
(1) To convene and preside over meetings of the Board of directors;
(2) to examine the implementation of Council resolutions;
(3) to sign relevant important documents on behalf of the Union;
(4) When necessary, the President may authorize the Vice President to perform the relevant duties.
Article 15 During the recess of the League Council, the important matters of the League shall be studied and decided by the meeting of the chairmen.
Article 16 Members of the Chairman meeting include: Chairman and vice chairman of the League . The meeting can only be convened if more than two-thirds of the members of the
Chairman meeting participate in the meeting, and the resolution can only take effect if voted by more than half of the participants.
Article 17 The secretariat shall be the permanent office of the League , under the leadership of the League Council, responsible for the daily work of the League and
organizing the implementation of various works of the League .
Article 18 The secretariat shall have a secretary general and deputy secretary general. The Secretary-General shall be recommended by the unit to which the secretariat belongs, and the
deputy Secretary-General shall be recommended by the governing units. The Secretary-General is responsible for presiding over the daily work of the Secretariat.
Article 19. Functions and Duties of the Secretariat:
(1) Draft the resolutions of the League , be responsible for the management and coordination of the work of the League , and may set up special groups to carry out
special activities according to the activity plan; (2) to formulate internal management system;
(3) preparing for and convening meetings of the Board of Directors;
(4) to organize and promote the annual work plan;
(5) to coordinate the work of various agencies;
(6) Regular editing and publication of work briefs;
(7) to be responsible for daily foreign exchanges;
(8) to accept the applications of relevant units for joining the league, conduct preliminary examination of the qualifications of the applicant units, and submit them to the Council for deliberation;
(9) Propose to remove the offending league members according to the relevant rules of the League and accept the application of League members to

withdraw from the League , and submit it to the Council for deliberation; (10) other matters assigned by the Council of the League

Chapter IV Membership of the League

Article 20 Membership procedures: The applicant can become a member of the League only after the applicant has submitted an application and the League Council has examined
and confirmed its qualification and signed the membership agreement.
Article 21 Withdrawal procedure: When a member of the League decides to withdraw from the League , it must submit a written application to the secretariat one month in advance,
and can withdraw from the League after a resolution of the Council.
Article 22 If a member of the League seriously violates the Articles of Association and professional ethics, it shall be removed after being approved by half of the board of Directors. If
a member fails to fulfill the obligations of the leagueand introduces the resources of the League to the competitor without the permission of the League , it may be persuaded to withdraw

from the league.

Chapter V Rights and Obligations
Article 23 Members shall enjoy the following rights:
(1) To participate in all kinds of sea activities, exchanges and training organized by the League ;
(2) give priority to obtaining industry information, research reports and policy interpretation provided by the League ;
(3) enjoy resources sharing, cooperation and exchange services provided by the League ;
(4) Participate in the digital marketing training organized by the League from time to time and upload products and release news on the Internet marketing website (comprehensive
website) provided by the League free of charge; (5) Participate in the annual conference of the League and the sea exchange Conference once a year;
(6) To form an overseas business delegation and successively participate in the investigation and exchange in Saudi Arabia, Russia, Australia, Southern Africa, Brazil and the United
States, 1-3 times a year;
(7) Participate in technical exchanges and small forums organized by the League , and invite international business partners and potential customers to visit China;
(8) Members shall have the right to conduct publicity and promotion on the League platform;
(9) To put forward suggestions and opinions on the work of the League and participate in the discussion of major decisions of the League .
Article 24 Members shall undertake the following obligations:
(1) Abide by the laws and regulations of the State and the articles and regulations of the League,
implement the resolutions of the League; (2) Actively participate in various activities organized by the League
and safeguard the overall interests of the League; (3) Pay membership dues on time;
(4) not engage in any acts that harm the interests of the Union and other members; (5)
Deliver the work on time and in good quality;

(6) keep confidential the trade secrets and sensitive information obtained in the League.

Chapter VI Funds and Assets
Article 25 The legal entity where the league secretariat is located is authorized to set up a special account or account to manage the league funds. Project management shall be established according
to the project plan task book of the League, special funds shall be used exclusively, and an independent financial budget and final account system shall be implemented.
Article 26 The payment standard of League membership fee:
(1) Sponsor member: 5000 yuan/year, the price is permanent;
(2) Enterprise member: 9000 yuan/year;
(3) Council members: 15,000 yuan/year;
(4) Executive Director members: 19,000 yuan/year;
(5) Individual members: free (each time to participate in the activity, according to the cost of the activity
fee). Article 27 Fees of Leaguesponsors:
(1) Gold Medal sponsorship: 30000 yuan/year (≤ 3);
(2) Silver sponsorship: 20,000 yuan/year (≤ 8);
(3) Fee supplement: Sponsorship fee and membership fee are not repeated (for example, silver sponsors, if they have paid the initiation membership fee, become silver sponsors in a certain year, fee:
20,000-5000 = 15,000 yuan, not repeated, according to the maximum fee).
Article 28 Rights and interests of sponsors
(1) According to the sponsorship level, the sponsor shall have the priority to enjoy the publicity qualification of the leaguewebsite, event poster, subscription number, etc.;
(2) The sponsor may give priority to the annual conference of the League. (Conference related expenses and catering expenses shall be borne by the membership fee of the League, and the travel
expenses of the participating members shall be borne by themselves
Management, the host sponsored drinks);
Article 29 The sources of funds of the Leagueshall include:
(1) membership dues paid by the sponsoring unit, the governing unit and the standing director unit;
(2) Sponsorship fees paid by sponsors;
(3) funds raised by each member unit or donations from domestic and foreign organizations, enterprises and individuals;
And (4) other legal income.
Article 30 The funds of the Leagueshall mainly be used for the expenses of the various work carried out by the League. The use of funds and assets must conform to the purpose and business scope of the League.
Article 31 The Council of the League is the highest authority of the financial control of the League, entrusts the secretariat of the League to be responsible for daily financial management, and

establishes a strict financial management system.

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions
Article 32 Any amendment to the articles of Association shall be approved by a vote of more than half of the members present at the council meeting.
Article 33 If the league is dissolved on its own or needs to be terminated due to division, merger or other reasons, the council of Directors shall put forward a motion for
termination and vote for adoption. Article 34 The remaining property after the termination of the League shall be donated to Sichuan Alumni Association of China
University of Mining and Technology.
Article 35 The rights of the association shall be interpreted as belonging to the Council of the League .
Article 36 The Articles of Association shall come into force after being discussed and approved by the Board of Directors.
